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Weldon Church of EnglandPrimary School

Pupil Premium & Free School Meals

Pupil premium funding is a national initiative, launched in 2011, designed to raise attainment for all disadvantaged pupils and to support readiness for life.


‘Closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers is the greatest challenge facing English schools. The gap is stubborn because its causes are entrenched and complex, and most lie beyond the control of schools and educators. However, it is clear that schools can make a difference.


In England, the gap has closed in both primary and secondary schools since the introduction of the Pupil Premium, and in every part of the country schools have demonstrated how great teaching and careful planning can make a huge impact on the outcomes of disadvantaged children.’

Education Endowment Foundation – The EEF Guide to Pupil Premium funding

A 3 Tiered approach

At Weldon School we have adopted a 3 tiered approach to Pupil Premium spending to focus on strategies which will have the greatest impact:

1. Teaching: Improving the quality of teaching and providing professional development opportunities is at the forefront of our approach. Evidence strongly suggests that the most effective way to improve outcomes for disadvantaged children is through excellent classroom teaching.  Ensuring an effective teacher is in front of every class, and that every teacher is supported to keep improving, is key to ensuring high quality provision for all.

2. Targeted academic support:  We use a variety of one-to-one or small group interventions linked to effective classroom teaching and learning. Evidence consistently demonstrates the positive impact targeted academic support can have.

3. Wider strategies:  Providing support in tackling the most significant, non-academic, barriers to success at school is the final, important tier. Such support includes addressing attendance issues and providing behaviour and social and emotional support.

Free meals are automatically available to all Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) children under the Universal Infant School Meals Scheme. You can apply for free school meals for older children in full-time education up to the age of 18 if you are in receipt of certain benefits. Full details are available on the the North Northamptonshire Council website, see link below:

We are an Enhanced Healthy, nut free school and if you choose to provide your child with a packed lunch, we do ask that you do not include fizzy drinks, chocolate bars, sweets or any product containing nuts. Straws should be included with drink cartons and spoons with yoghurts. Please do not give your child too much in their lunch box and ensure s/he can easily open packaging, etc.
