Home Page

Weldon Church of EnglandPrimary School

Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 page


PE days for Year 6 will be Wednesdays and Fridays

Children are to come to school in the PE kit on these days, also, please remove earrings and fasten up long hair. Children need trainers and water bottle every day for our daily mile



Maths Learning

Maths websites to support learning:


  1.  My Mini maths - 
  2. TT Rockstars -



Keeping Children Safe Online

Please click on the link below to view guidance on how parents and carers can keep their children safe online.

Our Class Blog where children can communicate with each other securely has not yet been introduced to the children.


Year 6 children will be given login and passwords in the Spring/Summer Term break as part of their curriculum learning. Click here to access: Class Blog
