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Weldon Church of EnglandPrimary School


Our school has a very supportive Parents, Friends and Teachers Association (PFTA) and they work as volunteers to help fundraise and support school events.


The next PFTA Committee Meeting will be held be our AGM on Thursday 16th January at 7.30pm, all parents, carers and friends welcome to join.


Meeting Agenda:

7.30pm – Welcome

Old business and approval of last meetings minutes

Committee Roles


Events planning for Spring and Summer Terms 2025                         

Meeting Dates for Rest of School Year

Any other business (please email to PFTA prior to meeting to be included)

8.30pm – Meeting Ends


We would love to see some new faces on the PFTA, the meetings are relaxed and sociable and it is a good way to meet new people and get involved in the fun activities happening in school.


You can contact our PFTA by email at:

PFTA Bank Account:

Barclays Bank

account name - PFTA of Weldon CE Primary School

sort code: 20-45-81

Account: 70784710

Free Movie Night - loved by the children!

Wish List October 2024:

Reading materials for every class

We would like to purchase age-appropriate reading materials and the scheme the school has chosen allows three reading ability levels within each Year Group. Cost for whole school = £1500

Classroom furniture

The School received a £5,000 grant from Weldon Parish Council which allowed them to upgrade Year R and Year 1. Our PFTA would like to now purchase tables and chairs for Year 2 to Year 5 and chairs for Year 6. Cost per class £1280 tables (16 tables) and £896 chairs (32 chairs) = £2176 per class

Reflection Garden

After completing the purchase of items 1 and 2 above, our next PFTA fundraising project will be a reflection area on the field. An area with seating, a bird table, sensory planting, etc. Costings are not yet done.

All-purpose area inside of running track

This is a longer-term school wish; to be able to use an area of the field for playtimes in winter. This is a high-cost project and will need more than PFTA fundraising to achieve this. Costings are not yet done.


The Reading Shed is still very much on the school wish list, they were promised substantial building developer funding for this. The school's Finance Business Partner is working hard to make this project happen.

Our PFTA now has a Facebook Page to keep you informed of events, check out:

Recycling Generates PFTA Funds and Save Money on Uniform

Easter Tombola Ready!

PFTA Easter Art Competition

Donated Easter Eggs
