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Weldon Church of EnglandPrimary School


Lesley Middleton - Head of School
Kirstin Howarth - Executive Headteacher

Child Protection Lead + Designated Safeguarding Lead - Lesley Middleton (

Deputy Safeguarding Leads -

Kirstin Howarth (

Jim Ager (

Jacqui Balchin (


SENDCo - Lesley Middleton (


Our school office telephone number is 01536 265288

or email


Reception Class - Maria Gribben (Mon-Thur) & Gaynor Kinloch (Fri)

Year 1 - Lucy Gilbert (Tues-Fri) & Lesley Middleton (Mon)

Year 2 - Caitlin Botting  (Amy Nash - maternity)

Year 3 - Kim Jackson 

Year 4 - Jim Ager

Year 5 - Josh Lowe

Year 6 - Sean Osler 


Music - David Hole

MFL + Pastoral Support Teaching Assistant - Jacqui Balchin


Teaching Assistants:

Alison Field

Cloe Harpur

Debbie Watson 

Hannah Earnshaw 

Kathryn Sambridge

Niki Herbert 

Olivia Stewart 

Rachel Wright 

Sue Bradley



Jane Clowery - School Office

Kirsty Davis - School Office


Support Staff:

Alison Field - Lunchtime Supervisor

Debbie Watson - Lunchtime Supervisor 

Emma Hawksworth - Lunchtime Supervisor

Hannah Earnshaw - Lunchtime Supervisor

Samantha Langton - Lunchtime Supervisor

Tilly Hawksworth - Lunchtime Supervisor



Emma Hawksworth - Extended Services Playworker (Launch Club)

Tilly Hawksworth - Extended Services Playworker (Launch Club)

Karen Paterson - Extended Services Playworker (SPACE Club)

Ed Lewis - Extended Services Playworker (SPACE Club)


Debbie Sweeny - Cleaner

Gail McDonald - Cleaner

Ed Lewis - Caretaker

Subject Lead Teachers:

Art + Design Technology - Kim Jackson

Geography - Sean Osler

Maths - Sean Osler

IT?internet - Lesley Middleton

PSHE & RE - Amy Nash

English & Phonics - Lucy Gilbert

History - Lesley Middleton

PE - Jim Ager

Worship - Lesley Middleton and Kirstin Howarth
